Get Licensed

" The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path." -Soledad O'Brien
Your journey starts here.
The state of WV requires 90 hours of classroom instruction to be eligible to take the WV Real Estate Salesperson Exam. (For other states, please discuss with Sales Manager.)
Pre-License Education
The ninety hour (six credit hour) course prescribed for applicants for a salesperson’s license shall consist of:
30 clock hours - Real Estate Principles and Practices
20 clock hours - Real Estate Law
20 clock hours - Real Estate Finance
20 clock hours - Real Estate Appraisal
The additional ninety hour (six credit hour) course prescribed for applicants for a broker’s license shall also consist of the same hours in each subject area but shall consist of more in-depth coverage in each subject area.
In order to sit for the real estate examination, the applicant must have earned a grade of A, B or C in each subject area.
After a student has successfully completed an approved pre-license education course, the approved provider shall supply the student with a certificate of course completion which certifies the student’s name and address, the course completion date, the number of hours in each subject area, and the letter grade earned.
Exam Information
Applicants will be able to test throughout the month at one of the 5 testing locations
Bring notification letter; it is your admittance ticket
You MUST bring identification which contains your signature and a current recognizable photograph, e.g., driver’s license, passport, student ID
If you are taking the examination for the first time, bring a check for the $25.00 examination fee, made payable to “West Virginia Real Estate Commission” or $25.00 cash. First-time examinees will not be allowed to sit for the examination unless payment is made
Bring three or four sharpened soft-lead (No. 2 or HB) pencils or mechanical pencils and a good eraser. Pencils and erasers will not be provided at the test site
You may bring a calculator. You may not use a recording calculator
You may not continue working on the test after the end of the established time
Eating or drinking will not be permitted in the testing room
You may not leave the room except with the proctor’s permission