Success Resources

You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support.
Old Colony's support personnel and systems are unparalleled.

Staff and Management
Sales Managers provide a consistent source of information and services
Professional staff attentive to agent needs
Data entry provided on all listings, listing updates and changes

Networked offices with wireless access and centralized printing
Company-supported email
Weekly visits by certified IT professionals to assist with tech issues
Assistance in purchasing a computer, for business or home

Relocation Department
New Construction

Extensive company sponsored Internet marketing opportunities
Local, regional, and national advertisements in various publications and websites
State-of-the-art website captures thousands of visits per day
In-house Graphic Designer
Assistance available with all agent marketing and promotional needs, including Internet marketing, direct mailings and postcards, business cards and stationary, personal promotional pieces, brochures, property fliers, social media, and more
New agent announcements
In-house testimonial platform
Incentives for social media advertising and direct mail campaigns
Access to color copiers and digital color printing
Free yard signs and large-format commercial signs

Incoming and outgoing referrals through our affiliate, LEADING REAL ESTATE COMPANIES OF THE WORLD, the nation’s largest network of premier independent real estate brokers
Professional services to leading local corporations, recruiters and businesses
NO referral fee on Internet leads
Works directly with developers and builders to bring new home communities to market
Oversees the success of new developments from site selection, product consultation to assistance with lenders and closing attorneys
Provides inventory for in-house sales

In-House Mortgage Partner
A full-time staff of mortgage counselors and originators provided by Victorian Finance.
On-call assistance available on weekends
One-stop, hassle-free services for your clients
Goal to provide the best rates and smoothest processing
Pre-qualify buyers prior to looking at properties